Current theories of reality, particularly developments related to Quantum Theory, are at the edge of our understanding of the physical world. Experiments such as the two slit experiment with single quanta of light suggest the possibility of existence in two places at the same time. A possibility that appears to cease as soon as attempts to observe or record such an event is made.
To resolve difficulties with the Quantum Theory it has been suggested that there would need to be 11 dimensions rather than the 4 we recognise. The possibility of alternative universes has also been put forward.
In this context the nature of reality becomes uncertain. It has been suggested it could be the echo of information at the edge of a black hole, or a hologram generated at the edge of the universe. Some aspects of current theory about physical reality can only be described mathematically, leading to suggestions that reality could be a by product of the mathematics of the universe rather than vice versa and leads to questions about the nature of chance.
A photographer typically fixes and defines particular moments. Does this bring a photographer closer to reality, or cause them to deny a part of it? Could this take a photographer to the edge of their own grasp and understanding of reality? And where might that lead?